Why living theology?

My goal for living theology is to equip and encourage you to become more like Jesus Christ and to live all of life with God-honoring competence and joy.

We all 'do' theology whether we know it or not – even atheists. We all have a position on God, and that position informs and directs how we live.

What is living theology?

Our theology needs to be living, and we are called to be living that theology. In other words, "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did" (1 John 2:6).

As to theology, James K. A. Smith writes,

Theology is not some intellectual option to make us 'smart' Christians; it is the graced understanding that makes us faithful disciples. 

Click on the link to listen to the podcast "Introducing living theology" (10:01).

Engaging in living theology?

I usually post a blog on Friday. Sometimes, I miss a week as I work on my current multi-media project for making disciples. 

This blog explores issues of practical theology – attempting to speak into that place of wholesome tension where loving obedience to the one true God revealed as Jesus Christ is expressed as authentic tangible faithfulness in the nitty-gritty of daily life. 

Under the 'Resources' tab you will find materials on various subjects, book reviews, and study guides. We continue to expand and improve these resources. 

If you want to opt-in to living theology, simply click 'Subscribe'. You'll receive a free download of Listening Well to Matthew, informative newsletters, and any additional resources that become available. Listening Well to Matthew is a foretaste of the forthcoming project of Matthew's Paradigm for Making Disciples.

You can contact me at jmacdonald@outreach.ca, or through the 'Contact' tab.

To get you started, here are 10 or so of the most popular posts for 2024

I look forward to hearing from you and serving you.


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