Is "working on resting" an oxymoron?

The Hebrew word for 'rest' is Sabbath.

Walter Brueggemann says, “... Sabbath means desisting from the frantic pursuit of securing the world on our own terms.”

This short series is somewhat autobiographical. I wrestled with learning how to rest; how to enter into Sabbath.

You're also invited to enter into Sabbath.


Here are the links to the posts in their order (just click on the title you want):

1.  Working on Resting

2.  Working on Resting: Recognizing a Problem or podcast 081

3.  Working on Resting: 5 Crucial Factors or podcast 082

4.  Experiencing Real Rest or podcast 083


Soli Deo gloria 

(Glory to God alone)



Photo credit: Sharon MacDonald (Sooke, B.C. - 2014)