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8 1 corinthians 12-14 1 1 corinthians 12:12-27 2 1 corinthians 12:13 11 1 corinthians 13 1 1 corinthians 13:1-3 1 1 corinthians 13:10 1 1 corinthians 13:6 3 1 corinthians 13:7 1 1 corinthians 13:8 2 1 corinthians 15 1 1 corinthians 5 1 1 corinthians 6:12-20 2 1 john 1 1 john 3:1-3 1 1 kings 19 1 1 peter 2:18-25 1 1 peter 3:13-4:19 1 1 peter 4:10-11 1 1 samuel 16 1 1 thessalonians 4:13-18 10 10 popular posts 10 16 qualities of love 1 1963 2 2 corinthians 1:21-22 1 2 corinthians 3:18 1 2 timothy 1:11-14 1 333 bc-4 bc 1 400 years between old and new testaments 2 a bigger table 1 a pagan notion 2 abraham 4 abuse 1 abuse of power 4 active listening 11 acts 1 acts 2 2 acts 2:1-4 1 acts 6 1 acts 7 1 acts 9 11 advent 8 agape 1 aging matters by paul stevens 1 ajith fernando 1 alexander the great 1 alfred edersheim 1 alternate reality 1 amazon associate 1 ambassador 1 and possessions 1 and spirit 7 anger 1 angry with god 1 annunciation 1 anoint 1 anthony bloom 1 anxiety 1 apostle thomas 19 arguing with god 2 argument 1 asking questions 5 attending to god 1 attraction 1 avoiding enablers 1 avoiding manipulators 1 babylonian empire 2 baptism 7 baptism in the spirit 3 baptism with the spirit 1 baptizing 2 barry j. gibson 1 be holy 1 be holy because i am holy 1 be still and know that i am god 2 behavior 5 behavior modification 1 being filled with the spirit 2 believing and not believing 1 bema 1 between heaven and hell 1 between the beginning and the end by j. h. bavinck 1 between worship and doubt 6 bible and lying 1 bible and supernatural 1 bible devotions 19 bible literacy 4 bible prophecy 23 bible reading 3 bible reading program 8 bible study 2 bible study tools 1 biblecontradictions 1 biblical literacy 2 biblical prophecy 2 bigger table 5 birth of jesus christ 1 blame 2 body 2 body as temple of god 3 book review 1 book review of beginning to pray 1 book review of called by god 1 book review of cultural apologetics 1 book review of death at la fenice 1 book review of die empty 1 book review of discovering genesis 1 book review of faithfully different 1 book review of god in the dock 1 book review of inhabiting the cruciform god 1 book review of mobilizing movements 1 book review of on writing well 1 book review of paul: a biography 1 book review of rethinking genesis 1-11 1 book review of taking jesus at his word 1 book review of the flow of the psalms 1 book review of the prophetic imagination 1 book review of the sermon on the mount and human flourishing 1 book review of the unseen realm 1 book review of typology: understanding the bible's promise-shaped patterns 2 book review of washed and waiting 1 book review of when the church stops working 28 book reviews 1 born again 1 born anew 1 born from above 1 born of god 1 born of the spirit 1 bread of life 1 bruce waltke 1 burning bush 2 c. s. lewis 2 caesar augustus 1 called by god 1 carl jung 1 casting crowns 13 celebrating god's grace 6 change 1 character and behavior 7 charismata 1 charles stanley 37 christ and culture 1 christ in the midst 1 christian 1 christian mission 1 christian worship 1 christianity 1 christians and government 1 christians and lgbtq+ 11 christmas 7 church 1 church calendar 4 church dynamics 3 church gatherings 4 church matters 4 command to love 4 commanded to love 3 community 1 complaining 1 complaining to god 1 confessing to god 13 confession 29 conflict 12 conflict transformation 12 conflict and identity 9 conflict management 11 conflict resolution 2 conflict transformation 2 connecting 2 constantine 1 contextualization in the new testament 1 control 5 conversion 1 conversion of saul 4 corrie ten boom 4 creation 1 critical thinking 1 crowns 7 crucifixion 4 crucifixion and resurrection 2 crucifixion of jesus 2 crucifixion of jesus christ 4 cultural awareness 30 culture 1 culture against christianity 1 cyrus 1 daniel i. block 2 david 1 david brazzeal 2 david g. benner 4 david wentz 1 day of atonement 1 dead faith meaning 5 death and dying 8 decision making 9 decision making and the will of god 5 definition of lie 4 desires 4 desiring god 2 desiring god's will 1 deuteronomy 6:4-5 1 different greek words for love 1 discernment 1 disciple making movements 22 disciple of christ 22 disciple of jesus christ 28 disciple-making 1 disciples on the way to emmaus 29 discipleship 9 discovering god's will 4 disorientation 1 does god ask too much? 1 does god change his mind? 2 does the holy spirit dwell in you 1 doubt 1 doubt and doubting 1 doubting thomas 5 easter 1 edict of thessalonica 1 ego eimi 3 elijah 1 encouraging 3 enemies 1 ephesians 1:13-14 1 ephesians 4:11-13 1 ephesians 4:30 1 ephesians 5:18 1 ephesians 5:18-21 2 epistle of james 7 eschatology 2 eschatology meaning 4 eschatology views 1 esther 2 eternal life 5 evangelism 1 evangelism and culture 1 everlasting life 4 examen 2 exile 2 exodus 1 exodus 12 1 exodus 3 2 exodus 3-4 1 exodus 32 2 expectations 3 expectations of god 16 experiencing god 1 ezekiel 1 ezra 2 fabric of faithfulness 1 facing trials as a christian 1 failure 1 faith and deeds 2 faith and works 1 faith without works is dead 1 farewell discourse 1 father 1 father son and spirit 4 fear 2 fear and power 3 feast of pentecost 1 feast of unleavened bread 5 feasts of the lord 1 feeding of 5000 1 feeding the 5 2 feeding the 5000 1 fellowship 3 fellowship with god 1 fervent prayer 1 festival of booths 2 festival of first-fruits 1 festival of tabernacles 1 festival of trumpets 1 festival of unleavened bread 13 festivals of the lord 1 finances 2 find the will of god 5 finding the will of god: a pagan notion? 1 first impressions of jesus 2 first john 2 foot washing 36 forgiveness 1 four loves 1 frederick bruner 1 future 2 future events 2 galatians 5:16 2 galatians 5:25 3 genesis 1 genesis 18 1 genesis 3 1 genesis 32 1 george mueller 1 george muller 1 gethsemane 1 gideon and the fleece 1 gift of administering 1 gift of administration 1 gift of giving 1 gift of helping 1 gift of leadership 1 gift of leading 1 gift of serving 1 gift of showing mercy 4 gift of tongues 9 gifts 9 gifts and gifting of god 1 giving 3 glossolalia 2 god 5 god and culture 1 god and government 3 god cannot lie 1 god is extravagantly generous 1 god is great 1 god is life 2 god is light 9 god is love 3 god speaks 3 god-honoring competence 4 god's gifted children 3 god's gifts 1 god's love in action 1 god's ownership 17 god's story 5 good friday 1 good fruit 1 gordon j. wenham 1 gordon wenham 2 gospel 4 gospel and culture 1 gospel of jesus christ 15 gospel of john 2 gospel of luke 2 gospel of matthew 2 grace 1 grand central question 2 grant macaskill 2 great commandment 5 great commission 1 great divorce 3 growth 1 guest blog 3 guilt 2 guilt and righteousness 1 haggai 1 heal 2 healing 1 healing at bethesda 1 healing of the nobleman's son 1 healing troubled hearts 1 hebrews 8:1-2 3 herod 23 historical backbone of the bible 10 history 25 holy spirit 1 holy spirit as the comforter 3 holy week 1 homiletics 1 homosexuality 1 honor 2 honoring god 1 hope and healing 1 hosea 11:1 1 hospitality 1 hospitality in scripture 1 hospitality in the bible 8 how to love like jesus 1 how to read the bible 1 humble service 2 humility 3 hypocrisy 1 hypostaticunion 2 i am 1 i am statements in john 1 i am the truth 1 i am the vine 1 i don't want to talk about it by terrence real 1 ideas as idols 7 identity 10 identity and conflict 7 idolatry 2 idols 1 ignatian examen 2 ignatius loyola 8 image of god 2 imagination 1 in christ 9 incarnation 1 inchtuthil 1 indicative-imperative principle 1 inferiority and envy 3 intergroup conflict 2 interpersonal conflict 5 intimacy with god 1 is god reluctant 6 is it ever okay to lie 5 is it ever okay to tell a lie 6 is it ever right to lie 6 is it ever right to lie? 2 it is never right to lie 2 j. richard middleton 1 jackie pullinger 1 jacob 1 jacob wrestles with god 16 james 1 james 1:1 1 james 1:1-12 1 james 1:13-27 1 james 2:1-13 1 james 2:14-26 1 james 3:1-18 1 james 3:13-18 1 james 4:1-12 1 james 4:13-17 1 james 4:4-5 1 james 5:1-6 1 james 5:12 1 james 5:13-16 1 james 5:13-18 1 james 5:19-20 1 james 5:7-11 1 james m. hamilton 1 jeremiah 2 jerusalem 2 jesus and conflict 2 jesus as the word 45 jesus christ 4 jesus christ and conflict 2 jesus christ and leadership 1 jesus christ is good news 1 jesus clearing the temple 3 jesus community 1 jesus healing a blind man 1 job 1 joel osteen 3 john 2 john 1:1 1 john 1:1-18 1 john 1:19-51 1 john 10 1 john 10:1-21 3 john 11 2 john 12 1 john 13-16 4 john 13-17 2 john 13:1-17 4 john 14-16 1 john 14:6 1 john 15 1 john 2:1-11 1 john 2:12-25 1 john 20:24-29 1 john 21 1 john 3:1-15 1 john 3:1-21 3 john 3:16 1 john 4:1-26 1 john 4:43-54 1 john 5 1 john 6:1-15 1 john 6:16-24 1 john 9 1 john's gospel 1 jonah 1 jonathan t. pennington 1 joseph 2 joshua 1 joshua 2 1 joy 1 joyful exiles by james houston 1 judges 1 judges 6 2 judgment seat of christ 2 jurgen schulz 1 karl barth 3 keeping company with god 2 kingdom first 2 knowing god 1 lament psalms 1 law 1 law and prophets 1 lazarus 1 lazarus raised from the dead 8 leaders and leading 1 leaders and popularity 1 leaders and power 1 leaders and relevance 5 leadership 7 leading like jesus 1 lent 1 leper 1 leprosy 1 leviticus 19:18 1 leviticus 23 1 lgbtq+ 6 lies and lying 1 life after death 1 life as worship 1 lifting the veil 8 listening 4 listening to god 2 listening well 4 listening well to god 4 listening well to matthew 1 live like you give a damn 1 living between attraction and fear 1 living between worship and doubt 1 living in god's story 2 living in union with christ 1 living theology 1 living theology podcasts 17 living toward wholeness 2 lord's prayer 1 lord's supper 19 love 1 love always believes 1 love always perseveres 1 love always protects 1 love believes all things 1 love does not boast 1 love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth 1 love does not envy 1 love hopes all things 1 love in action 1 love is kind 2 love is kind and patient 1 love is not proud 1 love is not provoked 1 love is not rude 1 love is not self-seeking 1 love is patient 1 love keeps no record of wrongs 2 love never fails 12 love of god 3 love your neighbor 15 loving like christ 15 loving like god 17 loving like jesus 3 luke 1-2 1 luke 1:1-4 1 luke 1:26-38 1 luke 10:25-37 5 luke 10:38-42 2 luke 11:1-13 1 luke 2 1 luke 2:41-52 1 luke 2:8-20 1 luke 24:13-35 4 luke's gospel 3 lust 8 making a good decision 27 making disciples 6 making the best decision 8 making the right decision 3 malcolm guite 1 mammon 1 mark 1:8 1 mark 10:35-45 1 mark sayers 4 martha and mary 2 mary 2 mary and martha 2 mary did you know 1 matthew 12:1-14 1 matthew 14:13-21 2 matthew 15:1-20 1 matthew 16 1 matthew 2:1-12 1 matthew 2:1-23 1 matthew 2:15 1 matthew 22:15-22 1 matthew 22:23-33 3 matthew 22:34-40 1 matthew 22:41-46 1 matthew 26:36-46 1 matthew 26:57-68 1 matthew 27:1-26 1 matthew 27:1-31 1 matthew 28:16-20 1 matthew 3 2 matthew 4:1-11 8 matthew paradigm 6 matthew's gospel 22 matthew's paradigm 7 matthewparadigm.com 1 meaning of pentecost 6 measuring spiritual growth 1 mercy seat 1 mere christianity 2 metaphors for the holy spirit 1 michael s. heiser 1 miracles 1 mobilizing movements 1 money as an idol 4 moses 1 most popular posts 1 murder of the infants 1 murray moerman 1 music 1 nehemiah 3 new year 1 new year resolutions 1 nicodemus meets jesus 1 non-anxious presence 1 november 22 1 numbers 21 1 o. palmer robertson 1 oaths 1 old testament in the new testament 1 on the brink of everything by parker palmer 3 oppression 1 oppression of the poor in the bible 1 orientation 1 ot in the nt 1 overcoming oppression 1 overwhelmed 1 palm sunday 2 paraclete 1 paraketos 2 parakletos 4 parousia 2 passover 2 passover and crucifixion 2 pastoring: the nuts and the bolts 2 patience 1 paul m. gould 1 paul's covert use of scripture 8 pentecost 1 pentecostal 5 persecution 2 persecution of christians 1 persian empire 2 peter 1 peter kreeft 1 philippians 2:12-13 1 philippians 2:5-11 1 plans 1 pontius pilate 1 pool of siloam 2 pornography 3 power 2 power of repentance 2 pray like a gourmet 16 prayer 1 prayer of presence 10 praying 1 praying fervently 1 preaching and teaching 4 predictive prophecy in the bible 1 prejudice 2 presence of god 1 problem of pain 4 prodigal son 3 prologue to the gospel of john 4 prophecy meaning 2 prophetic imagination 7 prophets and prophecy 1 prosperity as an idol 1 psalm 13 1 psalm 46 1 psalm 82 1 psalm110 1 psalms of lament 1 pulpit 1 putting out a fleece 1 qualities of wise counselors 1 questioning 1 questions 1 questions in matthew 1 reaching out 1 reading the bible 4 reality 2 reality of divine fellowship 2 reality of god 5 reclaiming biblical eschatology 5 reclaiming eschatology 36 reclaiming forgiveness 9 reclaiming leadership 12 reclaiming prayer 12 reclaiming worship 12 reconciliation 1 reincarnation 4 relationship between culture and gospel 1 relationship of worship and behavior 1 relationship of worship and worldview 9 relationship with god 9 relationships 1 relevance of the old testament 1 removing idols 2 renewal 1 renewing worship 2 reorientation 10 repentance 1 resisting god 6 responding to god 4 rest 6 restitution 1 restoring health 12 resurrection 5 resurrection of jesus christ 3 return of christ 1 return of the lord jesus christ 2 revelation 1 revelation 2-3 1 reverberations of the exodus in scripture 1 rich and poor 2 roman nails 5 romans 1 romans 1 2 romans 12 3 romans 12:3-8 1 romans 5-8 1 romans 8:9-11 1 rosh hashanah 5 sabbath 1 sabbath controversy 10 salvation history 1 samaritan woman 2 samuel 1 saturate 1 saul 1 saul of tarsus 1 saving the bible from ourselves 1 scapegoat 1 screwtape letters 6 second coming 5 seeking god's will 1 self-acceptance 1 self-forgiveness 3 self-identity 3 sermon on the mount 1 sermons 1 servant leader 1 service 1 service as worship 3 serving 1 sex and sexuality 3 shame 3 shame and honor 1 shauvot 4 shavuot 1 shema 1 shepherd leader 1 shepherd leadership 1 shepherd-leaders 2 shepherds and sheep 3 shepherds at bethlehem 1 shofar 1 showing mercy 1 signs in john 1 signs of jesus 1 simeon 1 simon wiesenthal 5 sin/sins 1 solomon 1 son 3 speaking 1 speck questions 1 speech 2 spirit baptism 14 spirit of christ 15 spirit of god 1 spirit: force or person 1 spirit: person or power 5 spiritual 3 spiritual disciplines 34 spiritual formation 12 spiritual gifts 10 spiritual gifts and gifting 6 spiritual growth 3 spirituality 2 steven garber 1 still small voice 1 story 1 strange gods 1 strange new world 1 succoth 6 suffering 5 suffering and persecution 3 suffering and spiritual growth 1 sunflower 1 superiority and pride 1 surprised by joy 1 surrender to love 1 swearing 2 teaching 5 temple 2 temptation 1 temptation in the wilderness 1 temptations of a leader 2 ten commandments 1 tests of a leader 1 thanksgiving 1 the 3d gospel by jayson georges 1 the canaanite woman 1 the crucifixion of ministry by andrew purves 1 the dangerous act of worship 1 the good samaritan 1 the good shepherd 12 the holy spirit and you 1 the kings of israel 1 the lamb of god 1 the last lion by william manchester 6 the matthew paradigm 1 the prophets by abraham heschel 1 the rise and triumph of the modern self 1 the sunflower: on the possibilities and limits of forgiveness 1 the unseen realm 1 the unseen realm: recovering the supernatural worldview of the bible 1 the vine and the branches 1 theological reflection 4 therapy 1 tim chester 2 time 1 time with god 1 to be is to do 1 todd henry 1 toledoth 1 tongue is the ambassador of the heart 1 tongue-heart connection 2 tongues 1 tongues of angels 1 tools for a word study 1 tradition 13 transformation 4 trials 3 trinity 1 trinity western university law school 1 true leaders 1 understanding gender dysphoria by mark yarhouse 1 unforgiveness 2 walking by the spirit 2 walking in the spirit 2 walking on water 1 walking with the spirit 4 walter brueggemann 1 washed and waiting 1 washing feet 1 water 1 water into wine 1 way of truth 1 we become what we worship 3 wealth 1 wealth and poverty 2 wesley hill 1 what is an idol 1 what is god doing 1 what is good about good friday 7 what is leadership 9 what is love 1 what is prayer 8 what is worship? 1 what is your favorite idol 4 what story have we fallen into? 1 what would jesus do 6 when conflict happens 1 when perfection comes 1 when the perfect comes 1 when truth does not make sense 3 who am i 24 who is jesus 2 who is jesus? 3 who is love 1 why i don't go to church 1 why it matters what you worship 1 why read the bible 2 why some people do not believe 1 wiesenthal 1 wijd 10 will of god 2 wisdom 1 wonderful spirit-filled life 2 word made flesh 2 word of god 1 word studies 3 work 4 working on resting 3 world 2 worldview 14 worship 2 worship renewal 1 wwjd 1 yeast 1 yoga 1 yom kippur 1 you can change 1 young jesus in the temple 1 zechariah