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I remember an incident from my childhood. We had finished supper, and my father was reading the newspaper. I was pestering him with questions.

Finally, I asked, “If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?”

Without missing a beat, he peered around the paper and said, “At the moment, deaf!”

You don’t have to choose

Some prefer reading, others listening. Some situations lend themselves to one over the other.

Thanks to the great people at Hope Stream Radio, for the past year or so, I’ve been expanding the posts into podcasts.

Currently, there are 60 podcasts available for you. They are collected by series under the ‘Resources’ tab. You can listen and download them either under the living theology Resource “Podcasts” or under a particular series (for instance, “Who is Jesus?”).

Each podcast is short – usually around 8-9 minutes. 

While we’re on listening

The two most recent podcasts are on practical qualities for listening to God within the series Experiencing God. Both podcasts examine Luke 10:38-42, but from different perspectives: one negative, the other positive.

The first podcast focuses on Martha’s busyness and four negative things to watch out for in your life: Four Qualities for Active Listening (7:46). The second identifies four benefits you can learn from Mary's posture: Listening Well to God (8:50).

Let me know what you think

Let me know what you think. Are you a person who prefers listening or reading?

You can connect with me by clicking here.

By the way, the accompanying photo is meant to be somewhat playful

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Photo credit: Ed Yourdon on Visual hunt / CC BY-NC-SA

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