Did you do a double-take? We normally hear "let's put Christ back into Christmas." But Herod? Some time ago I read J. Richard...
"I've read the bit about the Festival of Firstfruits," she said, "but I don't get it – what's it got to do with me?" "Well, let's...
As we turn the page from Genesis to Exodus, we shift forward in time about 400 years. Jacob and his family of 70 or so people have now...
"Read Leviticus 23? You've got to be kidding!" "Well, do you want to learn more about Jesus?" Together, let's enter into and...
Sometimes we read of a young girl raped in a culture of shame and honor. We are shocked when the vulnerable and victimized female is...
What do you know about investigative reporting? University of Missouri journalism professor Steve Weinberg defined investigative...
God, n. 1. A three-lettered word representing a proclivity for controversy, conflict, vagueness, and doubt. This is not an official...
Once upon a time, I was privileged to be with a keen group of people for a few days. We were a mixed group including farmers,...
Years ago during a family vacation, we passed a sign advertising “Jesus’ Fruit Stand – 100 meters.” The children wanted to stop and see...
What am I thinking at this very moment? That’s a question I often ask my audience when I speak on this topic. Only once did someone...
Let’s presume that you’re an unbiased, evidence-based observer. What would it be like to watch Jesus perform a miracle? How would...
How many of us treat God as if His purpose is to serve us and provide what we want? We perceive a need and ask God to fix it. We might...
Some time ago, I was speaking with a dying woman. What remained of her life was measured in weeks. I spoke to her about Jesus and the...
Recently, I read a scathing analysis of the popular Joel Osteen. In God in the Whirlwind, David Wells comments: In [Osteen’s]...
What do you do with a man who walks on water? What difference would it make if you were a follower, even a ‘friend,’ of this man?...
Holy mud? Jesus spat on the ground and made some mud with the saliva. What does this say about who Jesus is? And what difference can...
What do you do when Death comes knocking? Out of curiosity, I searched for my title: “When Death Comes Knocking.” I learned that the...
What is God like? I was listening to a woman tell me what she thought. It was her own mixture of ‘this’ and ‘that.’ It reminded me...
This post is the last in the series “Experiencing God.” No matter who you are, I am encouraging fresh examinations and renewed...
For me, writing is an act of discovery. One thing leads to another, and soon I'm exploring something new. This post led me to a huge...
Where do we start if we want to learn about being a genuine leader—not a fool or an impostor? There are almost as many starting points...
In high school we used litmus paper to reveal whether a solution was acidic or alkaline. This has become a metaphor. Litmus test: “a...
What is Jesus’ core teaching on leadership? If I had to choose one text or concept, I would probably point to Mark 10:35-45. Take a...
What would you say if you could speak to a large audience of Muslims? Recently, I had the privilege of speaking on a radio program...
Recently, I was with a wonderful group of people. The question was asked, “What about when Jesus says, ‘forgive them’? Doesn’t that...
If forgiveness is the process of rebuilding damaged or broken relationships, what damages or breaks a relationship? You're probably...
Does God ever change his mind? To explore and answer this question, let’s take a fresh look at an ancient incident. An ancient...
Wikipedia states that Christmas “is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.” So far, so good. However, in our...
We normally hear, "Let's put Christ back into Christmas." But Herod? Some time ago I read J. Richard Middleton's article, "Let's Put...
Why shepherds? Have you ever wondered why angels appeared to unnamed shepherds at night outside a small village called Bethlehem to...
Could Mary have said ‘No’ to Gabriel, God’s messenger? If she could, what does that mean for you? The Annunciation Gabriel’s...
I have chosen to title this series on 1st John, "The Reality of Divine Fellowship." My conviction is that our fellowship as followers...
"Who is this?" This was the question asked 2,000 years ago. It's one of the best questions to ask today! Palm Sunday In a couple of...
Today is Good Friday, the traditional date when we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Given that, what is good about Good...
What is this heresy? What can we do about it? A notable heresy A. W. Tozer writes in I Call It Heresy (pp. 9-10): “… a notable...
To hit a target, first locate the bull's-eye. For the Christian, the target is being a disciple, and making disciples, of Jesus...
The second lesson for a disciple of Jesus Christ is in the second section of Matthew’s ‘Story’ (Matthew 1:18-25). “What’s the first...
I hefted the Roman nail feeling its brutal roughness and sharpened point. What stories could it tell? Nail The nail is from...
Does a command to love someone seem strange to you? A young mother loves her infant. A young husband loves his wife. Neither the...
Years ago, during a family vacation, we passed a sign advertising “Jesus’ Fruit Stand – 100 meters.” The children wanted to stop and...
When introduced to a person, first impressions are critical. They tend to determine whether a relationship will go any further and what...
What would you do if five people unexpectedly showed up at your house for supper? You would probably feed those five guests as a...
Photo credit:Flickr.com – Creative Commons
Believing is an essential concept in John’s Gospel. John uses the verb or action word for “believing” (pisteuō) ninety-eight times,...
Why do some people choose not to believe in Jesus Christ? In the previous post, we considered the immediate aftermath of the...